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The content provided by Sakori.in is collected from various public sources as is and 'as available' basis. Sakori.in, as its sole discretion reserves the right to make modifications or remove any content on the website as deemed fit. Sakori.in contains hyperlinks to other website(s), the validity and authenticity of which cannot be guaranteed. Sakori.in cannot be held responsible for the privacy practices employed by the various website(s) it links to. Sakori.in tries to link to websites that adhere to a high standard of authenticity and credibility.

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Sakori.in does not make any representations or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on the site. The Receiving Party agrees that Sakori.in will not have any liability to the Receiving Party resulting from any use of the information provided by Sakori.in

No action or omission

The Issuer shall, and shall procure that no Group Company shall, except only to such extent as may be necessary to give effect to this Agreement, do or omit to do any act prior to Closing which would constitute a breach of any of the Representations or which would make any of the Representations untrue, inaccurate or misleading if they were given or deemed to be repeated at any time prior to or at Closing.

Information use

The infomation made available on Sakori.in are for reference purposes only. In order to get the proper information, please use the official sources only.

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Disclaimer of and limit of liability

We, Sakori.in do not accept liabilty of any kind whatsoever for use of this website. The content here is collected from various credible sources "as is" and "as available" basis.

Sakori.in does not make any representation, warranty or condition of any kind either expressed or implied

For any kind of legal concern, the court of jurisdiction would be Tezpur, Assam, India.